Are you aware of the amazing things we can see and experience if we open our eyes? I mean, really open our eyes?
Last Saturday I was at an RPM (cycling) class at the gym and didn't really notice the guy who got on the bike next to me, other than noting that he kind of smelled and wishing he had gotten on a bike across the room. Kind of selfish and unloving, huh? But isn't that how we tend to operate? Focused on the task at hand and only noticing others when they inconvenience us? I know I am often guilty of this... frustrated with the wait in the grocery line instead of reaching out to the person at the front who is sorting through food stamps and deciding which items are essential and which she can't buy this time; annoyed by the crying child and blind to the tired tears in the mother's eye... this "all about me" attitude.
But I also know I've been blessed in indescribable ways when I've opened my eyes. God has shown me such amazing love and grace when I've looked through His eyes. He has put people in my life that have taught me so much about His love and living for His glory.
Okay, so back to the story... at the end of the RPM class, I looked over, and opened my eyes. The gentleman was clearly African. After worshipping in an all African church for three years in Dallas and planning for ministry in Zambia, you learn to recognize someone who is native to Africa. Excited because we've missed the fellowship of our African brothers and sisters, and because we are starting our language acquisition training and need to work with people whose native language is not English, I started to talk to him. He is from Cameroon and I learned that his brother-in-law in Springfield is actually from the region of Zambia where we will be serving. God is good! But that was just the beginning. I invited my new friend to church with us and picked him up in front of the gym the next morning.
It just happened to be the Sunday where Luke was preaching, so we met him there. On the way, Ngankou asked me if it would change anything - if he would be allowed to come - if I knew he wasn't a Christian. Is that the perception unbelievers have of the church? I pray that is not the case! After all, what would be the purpose of church if we weren't focused on sharing the amazing Gift of salvation we've been given with those who don't know of the saving Grace of Jesus Christ? Without focusing on sharing the Good News, the church becomes one more place where we focus on our own needs - getting the task done and feeling good about ourselves for doing it.
So we went, and he was welcomed so warmly, and said he felt Luke was speaking directly to him. We sang blessed assurance and he copied down the words. He took notes. And he wants to come back. Luke drove him home and they shared tea and talked about life. We have a friend, and our friend is showing interest in knowing Jesus. What a blessing to be a part of that!!! And all I had to do was look through God's eyes for just a moment.
I hope Ngankou comes to the gym again this week - and I hope he chooses the bike next to me. And it will bless my socks off if he is able to join us for church on Easter Sunday. Because Jesus didn't die on the cross so I could take my salvation, smile, and tuck it away in a box for safe-keeping and show up to church on Easter Sunday in a pretty new dress. No, God sent His son to come, die as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, and then rise from the dead so that people from every tribe, tongue, people and nation would be reconciled to Him and worship Him in eternity. And He blesses us by giving us the opportunity to be a part of that!