It's amazing how much stuff we have. Seriously. First of all, we've spent the last six years focusing on following God's call in our lives into the mission field. That in itself is a huge deterrent to shopping. Basically, if we didn't need it, we didn't buy it. Other than our mattress set, we haven't invested in any nice furniture, and other than those gifted to us, decorative items are a minimum. Even so, as our departure nears (we're talking 6-8 weeks here people!), we find ourselves surrounded by stuff. We're talking knick knacks and crafts, furniture, electronics, cords (how in the world do we have so many random computer and electronic cords - I have no idea what they all belong to!), clothes, shoes, books, kitchen stuff, files, free stuff from fairs and events....
So what does Jesus say? In the story of the rich ruler, he says, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then, come follow me." (Luke 18:22)
Okay. So, sell it all or give it away, and Go. I am never going to claim that I listen to everything God tells me - I have broken so many commandments and sinned like crazy. But, I'm the first to admit that I start feeling a little self-righteous when I think about us following the command to make disciples of all nations as missionaries. Whoo hoo! Look at me God - I'm listening... at least to that. That said, I was also pretty willing to just clear out everything other than a couple suitcases of necessities. After all, God called me to do it and I'd much rather give up my stuff than some of those other sins I've been harboring and not giving over to Him...
Sometimes I think it's enough to show that we're willing. A few weeks ago I started looking around and thinking, "What will we not use before we leave and therefore I can go ahead and sell it?" Teddy bears. I had collected Boyds Bears growing up and had them sitting on a shelf in our bedroom. Forget sentimental, they were impractical so I had to give them up. I posted them on Craigslist and my e-mail box was suddenly filled with responses. Then Luke, in his voice of reason (or just knowing he'd deal with the emotional backlash post-sale), told me he didn't think I really wanted to sell them and perhaps I could have my parents hold onto them for me. He was probably right, and even if I haven't really thanked him yet, my mom sure has. I was willing! But so was Abraham. I realize my stuffed bears hardly compare to the sacrifice of his son, but Abraham was willing to give Isaac up at God's command, and just when the time came, God said he didn't have to make the sacrifice.
Additionally, we've had other missionaries advise us to not be too quick to let go of everything. There's something to be said about taking just enough with you to make it feel like home. So where is the balance? What do I take? What do I wrap up and put in a box in my grandparents' basement until we decide years down the road that we really don't need it - or that maybe we do? Do we sell our fine crystal so someone can enjoy it's splendor, or do we let it sit unused in storage? Do we save old files and documents or shred them? Do we need to take all these books? What about pictures?
And so the process begins. We have people picking up our bookshelves this week and our futon this weekend. I'm weeding out my closet one item at a time, thinking about what would be culturally appropriate to wear in Zambia, and what I might want to keep here for our home assignments. My stuff isn't my idol, the way it was for the rich ruler, so He hasn't asked me to give it all up so I can focus on Him. I think it's different for all of us, and perhaps I should think about what it really is that He wants me to let go of so He will be first and only in my life. In the meantime, I'll continue to sort through my stuff, deciding what to throw away, give away, sell, store or take. And you can help - need anything?