25 April 2010

Unworthy of Grace

What makes grace so incredible amazing is that we're never truly worth of it when we receive it. We are all - each and every one of us - dead to our sins... but through God's grace, through the atoning sacrifice of His perfect son, our sin is done away with - covered with a veil of grace. Because nothing we could do could ever restore us to an unadulterated, perfect relationship with our Father, Jesus died to serve as a bridge for the giant chasm of sin that existed between us and God.

So why do we feel like we have to earn grace? Why do we feel that is even possible? That perhaps if we can improve our position before God just a bit, we might be worthy of His love.

A few weeks ago I wrote about Ngankou, our new Cameroonian friend, whose laughter can light up a room and whose deep philosophical questions can send you to your knees in prayer for the right words and the most God-honoring answers. A few days after that post, we visited our friend and spent the afternoon discussing the significance of Christ's death on the cross and the implications of that sacrifice on where we will be spending eternity. For Ngankou, he understands the Bible in a literary sense, but can't quite grasp the fact that God would find him worthy of forgiveness for sins he has committed that he views as wrethced and unforgiveable. After all, he doesn't think he is worthy of our friendship, or of the friendship and prayer of our pastor and friends at church. To think that God would pay his penalties for him - unimaginable.

But he's been coming to church. He's even met with our pastor despite a strong disbelief that the pastor wouldn't give him the time of day. He's been asking the hard questions and trying to convince us all that "we're better than him." That he has to "get to where we are." Essentially, that he's not worthy. As we dropped him off from church today, he explained that he has a lot to work on personally - or in his words, he has "atoning to do before God would even look at him."

Oh that he would understand that the atonement is done! He understands that he is unrighteous before God, but doesn't quite realize that we all were. Because of Christ's atonement our sin has been forgiven - and we are covered with a veil of grace. God created us in His image, and loves us, and wants to have perfect fellowship with us - so much that He sent His son to bring us back to Him. As I explained this - and told him that we too were wretched sinners that did not earn our way into a relationship with the Lord but were cleansed through Jesus' death and resurrection and that through that atoning sacrifice God in essence forgets our sin and views us as righteous - something changed in him. The idea made him uncomfortable. It challenged him.

And this is where we fall powerless at God's feet in prayer. Ngankou got out of the car heavy-hearted and deep in thought. We cannot force him to understand and to put his faith in Christ. The Holy Spirit has to take over where human words fall short. May Ngankou's eyes and heart be opened. May he realize that he can't earn grace or "make up" for the sins of his past, but understand that his sentence has been paid in full if he's willing to cash the check. Will you pray with us?

(These lyrics from Tenth Avenue North's song "By Your Side" ran through my head as I wrote this post, and thought I'd share:

Why are you striving these days?
Why are you still trying, to earn grace?
Why are you crying?
Let me lift up your face,
Just don't turn away.

Why are you looking, for love?
Why are you still searching,
As if I'm not enough?
To where will you go child,
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run?

And I'll be by your side,
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night,
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you.

Look at these hands and my side
They swallowed the grave on that night
When I drank the world's sin
So I could carry you in
And give you life
I want to give you life.

And I'll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night,
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you.

Cause I, I love you
I want you to know
That I, I love you
I'll never let you go.

Praise God that He won't ever let us go! :) )

1 comment:

Eric Olsen said...

wonderful words. great to remember that i can't earn grace.