I'm not really into politics. I never have been. So I'm not really caught up on all the issues that are being discussed. I mean, I know enough to get by, and I realize there's talk about the wars, and about the economy, and all that stuff. I get that. But I don't consider myself well-read in any of these areas. Not that most Americans are...though we may think we are.
But I do know that this is all a bit ridiculous to me. I mean, are these two men really the best this country has to offer as choices for the next leaders of America? Seriously. We can't do any better than this? We as a country keep yelling about how bad George W. is, and how badly we need change, and we've chosen McCain and Obama as our top two possibilities for bringing about positive change? Can we not do any better?
On the one side, we have a great war veteran who has survived great brutality as a prisoner of war and has served many, many, many years in the Senate, yet he seems so old and robotic that nobody would ever like him. And since we are all about appearances and how likable somebody is, the idea of seeing boring old McCain lead the country makes many people quiver.
Then there's Obama. Full of charisma. Willing to say whatever he can to make the people happy. Lacking any real experience at all, but hey, that's okay, because he seems to be a good guy, right? I mean, who cares if he has shown favor for partial-birth abortions and that he is in the Senate because he ran essentially unopposed in Illinois. Who cares that he thinks the best thing we can do is take all of our troops out of Iraq at once, thereby leaving a mess of a situation and making the US a sitting duck for widespread hostility. Who cares, cuz he sure seems nice.
With the election only weeks away, I acknowledge that I need to exercise my right to vote. I get that. But I would love to be able to write in somebody like my mother, who I am sure would do a better job than McCain or Obama ever could. I could write in Tiffany, but she's not old enough yet. I could write in my father-in-law...I don't agree with his morals, but he seems to care enough about people. I can think of a number of people who would do infinitely better as the president of the United States than either of these two men. Yet this is what we've been given, and though it is less than ideal, may God's will be done. I am confident that God is in control and that He will work through whoever gets into office. And God's will may not be our will, but it is for the expansion of His glory. So regardless of who are choices are and who ultimately takes office, may God be praised as we look to begin yet another chapter in the story of this country.