But lately, it's been really easy.
With all that has gone on in our lives in the past two months (basically since our trip to Zambia), we cannot possibly deny the goodness of God, nor could we deny His provision. Doors have flown open for us in Peoria, and now we are just days away from traveling half way across the country to a new (old) hometown. But more than that, God has provided discounts on our rent here in Dallas, a new computer for Luke (woohoo!) and provision in more ways than we can imagine. We have seen His love expressed in very real, very tangible ways, through people we have come to know during our time in Dallas. Some of these people we have come to know quite well, and others we only barely know, but so many have stepped up and shared with us a love that can only come from the Lord.
I realize that this isn't necessarily the most interesting post, but it's been over a month since our last post, and so much has happened. Too much to even mention. And all of it has come from the Lord, who blesses those who pursue Him. Now, I'm not saying that everything has been nice and easy. It's been stressful, and it is incredibly hard to be leaving all those here in Dallas who we have come to love. But we know that God is guiding us in these next steps, and everything we do are growing us and preparing us for what He has planned.
It's just....weird. I feel like we just got back from Zambia, and that Tiffany just lost her job, and that we were just beginning to talk about moving to St. Louis in June. And now here we are in May, preparing to Move to Peoria in just a few days. So much has gone on. So much has changed. I don't even know what's going on anymore, and all I can do is trust in Him. Trust that His plans are good and perfect. Trust that He will always be there. Trust that He will continue to guide us. Trust that, even when the times are hard, He is blessing us.
After all, God is good. Really, really good.