06 November 2007

Reading Week, Here I Come!

Praise God! Reading week is just days away, I have officially finished one class, I finished my two exams for this week, and the group project that is due the day we get back from two weeks off is just about finished! I don't know how it all fell together, but it did. WOOHOO!

On another note, I would like to apologize to everybody who was in chapel today. If you were there, you heard a message that had some quality material in it and I believe that if you were able to pay attention much could be learned about the current state of Christianity in the world. There is a lot of potential for this lectureship to be very informative. That's not why I'm apologizing. My apology is for the presentation of it. As great of a scholar as Dr. Netland is, it seems he is not much of an orator. In fact, that could have been the most boring chapel presentation I have seen since being at DTS. I have never experienced somebody reading a paper for 40+ minutes and calling it a "message." So, I am sorry. Not all of the missions lectures are like that, I promise.

Speaking of missions, sometimes I think of how great it would be to be in Mozambique already. It seems the trip next summer just is not coming fast enough...but then again, we haven't started raising support yet, so I guess it can't come too quickly.

Now playing: Leann Albrecht & Bob Fitts - Blessed Assurance
via FoxyTunes

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