30 March 2009

Trip Reports Coming, but until then...

We would like to apologize for being back in the States for more than a week and not making any effort to really talk about our trip on here. In our defense, this inactivity on our part is largely due to a couple of factors:

1) We left our camera in Livingstone and therefore have no pictures at the moment. We figure that talking about our trip needs to be accompanied by pictures, so we're waiting until we get pictures from our teammates.

2) Our lives have gone crazy in the week we've been back. Tiffany is back on the job market, Luke is buried in papers to grade, and now we're looking at moving, possibly as early as June. So much going on...

On a completely unrelated note, we realized that there is increased readership of our blog now and many people have been asking about the origin of the name. To hold y'all over until we get our acts together and start writing about our time in Zambia, go here to read the first post on our blog. It explains the name.

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