Sometimes it's nice to have a day off from work. With the final swim meet of the summer happening last night, I actually got to sleep in this morning. I also didn't have to teach swimming lessons today, so I had a full day off with nothing planned. That said, I've had a number of errands I've been meaning to run for the past few weeks. One of these errands was to take Yoda in for her yearly vaccinations.
Taking Yoda to the vet is always a fun and exciting event. Today was definitely no exception. There's nothing quite like braving the 102 degree heat of July in Dallas to drive a crying cat to somebody who is going to stick her with sharp objects. So I got her there, and she got the shots, and all was good. Or so we thought. I get her home, and about an hour later I hear a deep meow followed by the undeniable sound of barfing. I go and find her next to a mound of cat chunks. I went to clean that up, and she barfed again. The next 45 minutes were spent cleaning up no less than 10 barfs in 4 rooms in our apartment. And all this before lunch. Yummy.
So, I call the vet and he has me bring her back in for the afternoon so he could give her some more medicine and keep an eye on her. Lucky for me, Yoda was more passive as I tried to get her in her carrier, so that was easier, which was good, since my car's interior was probably close to 200 degrees. So, I went back into the crazy heat of Dallas and got Yoda back to the vet. And there goes the excitement of the day. Yoda is now back home and perfectly fine. Life is back to normal. And I'm watching "Wipeout" and laughing up a storm. There's something about people completely busting themselves that makes me laugh. I am so glad God gave us all the gift of laughter.
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