I normally show up at the UP Pool at 6:30 in the morning on days where we have practice. We use this time to set up and wake up before the kids show up at 7. Well today Alex and I walk on the deck and there are nasty Dallas birds everywhere. Hundreds of them. More than I have ever seen at this pool before. Then we look in the water and see something floating. Our hearts initially dropped into our stomachs as we thought maybe, somehow, a small child had gotten in the pool overnight. To our surprise, it was not a baby (woohoo!), but a dead armadillo. That's right. An armadillo. In the middle of Dallas. Dead. In a pool. Floating. Needless to say we canceled practice. But the question of the hour is, How did it get there? Armadillos aren't really known for being terribly flexible, and there aren't really any openings in the fence big enough for this thing to crawl through. It also seemed to be missing its head, but that could be from the birds. Furthermore, I never thought armadillos to be indigenous to the Dallas area. So I think we came to the conclusion that somebody must have thrown it over the fence as some sort of joke. But however it got there, we found a dead armadillo in the UP Pool. I am SO glad the season is basically over and I don't have to get in that pool ever again.
At least I learned that armadillos can float. Whoda thunk it with all that armor and stuff? Interesting.
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