It is hot. Still. Day number 18 or something of over 100. We're looking forward to a few days from now when the cold front moves through and takes us down to about 99 or so. Woohoo!
That said, when it's this hot I don't want to do anything. So I'm not. I have the week off, so I don't have to worry about dealing with a bunch of people when I'm in a bad mood. And that's a good thing.
I have, however, gotten out the game cube that I've had since college, and it looks like I may actually beat The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time...finally. Three years later. But even this is done in short spurts, since sitting in one place for extended periods of time makes me sweat profusely in the sauna that is our living room. All this to say that I am really, really good at wasting my time. I'm even better at wasting my time when it's like 8 billion degrees outside. I say I'm gonna read, but I don't. I say I'm gonna get ahead in my homework, but I don't. I say I'm gonna go to the gym and workout, but the idea of willingly making myself sweat even more makes me almost sick to my stomach.
Midwest, I miss you.
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