24 February 2009
Random Encounters
As I finished up my rounds sampling a variety of fruits and other goodies, I heard someone say my name. I turn and look up - way up (this person was 6'5"-ish)- to see a face from years back. It was a guy who used to hang out at the country club where I was a lifeguard summer after summer in high school in Missouri. And not just any guy, but one on whom I had a huge crush summer after summer. He had gone to one of the neighboring high schools. Obviously, nothing came out of all of that... but I digress. He had only been in Dallas two days, and was staying for two weeks as part of an internship he is doing with the School of Metaphysics. Apparently, he's been going to one of the Missouri branches of this school or working at it for quite a while now - long enough that he lived on their "farm" for about 20 months.
What is this school, you ask? Well, I looked it up, and this is part of the description on the website:
"The School of Metaphysics has been teaching people how to use their minds more effectively for three decades. Through research, application and by passing on what is learned, we teach how to harmonize your Mind with Universal Principles for greater insight, happiness, security, prosperity, health, and peace. School of Metaphysics lessons teach individuals to master the whole Self, freeing them to live their full potential as an intuitive, spiritual being."
And he provided me with a brochure for their upcoming seminar and one on a course called "experiential course in the study of the mind and mastery of consciousness" - suggesting that Luke might be interested. Some of the class objectives include: learn to cause permanent healing; learn that Thought is Cause; Learn to interpret dreams in the Universal Language of Mind... You can "become eligible to attend the weekly healing class" and "participate in Peace Dome activities." The "farm" my friend lived on is really more of a commune than anything else.
Now I'm not one to judge, and I honestly think that "mastering my mind" wouldn't be such a bad thing if it helped me make good choices - like not going back for more ice cream and chocolate - but it is in attempting to master my own mind and master myself that I lose the very control I'm seeking to grasp. On the other hand, the only true freedom that allows us to live to anything near our potential, is to:
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6).
I could say so much more. It was definitely interesting to run into an old friend in a strange place and to realize how we each have gone completely different directions than either of us would have suspected of the other when we were 16. More than anything, I am grateful that the Lord has opened my eyes to the true path to freedom - through the atoning sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross in my place, to cover my wretched sinfulness... and yours. I pray my friend will experience that same freedom some day. We don't have to attend a school to "discover the purpose for our existence" or work toward "self mastery," but only have to accept the freely given Grace of an Awesome God.
For He says: "I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity." (Jeremiah 29:4)
Have you experienced freedom from the capitivity of sin?
15 February 2009
Destroying our Brains, Losing our Morals
This morning on "Meet the Press" we found yet another politician not answering the questions asked of him. But, what more should we expect. I mean, we shouldn't expect straight answers anymore anyway, especially since we probably wouldn't like what we hear.
And that's not even what bothers me the most.
After watching Mighty Joe Young on the CW this afternoon, on came a commercial for the new 90210 where one lady tells the other that she slept with some guy. And that was supposed to entice us to watch the show. We've become accustomed to soap operas having characters who sleep around, but the amorality has become a mainstay in regular shows as well. As I write this blog, I have "Brothers & Sisters" on, a show that does a great job portraying the interaction between adult siblings in a large family (something I have a little experience with). Though I am mildly addicted to this show, I am disgusted by the fact that all of the characters encourage each other to sleep with people early on in their relationships. Even the mother, a widow whose husband had several mistresses, recently slept with a man who was in an open marriage. And she was portrayed as being too old-fashioned and conservative because she was upset about being the "other woman" when the man was in a modern "open marriage". What!?!
Could it be that we as a society would rather pursue the desires of the flesh than the God of the universe? Is our current situation yet another example of Scripture lived out?
I would say "yes and yes". If we have any doubts, just consider Romans 1:18ff. God has revealed Himself in more ways than we could imagine, yet we have chosen to pursue other, lesser gods. Gods of sex; gods of pleasure; gods of money; gods of status. We have so rejected the very God who loves us that we are now seeing our depravity lived out in front of us. Not only that, but we are encouraging others to be just as depraved as ourselves.
So, let us join together and pray for our country. Pray that hearts may be turned to God, that workers may arise to share the Gospel, and that our leaders may be open to be used by the One who put them in office to begin with. Maybe then our country will actually have hope.
06 February 2009
While in America malaria is seen as nothing more than a tropical disease found only in areas where people run around naked and sleep in huts, it is a reality for millions of people worldwide. As Tiffany and I prepare for our upcoming trip to Zambia, we are looking at our options for malaria medication to prevent getting the disease, but as we do so we are struck by the situation. Here in the States we have a variety of possible drugs to choose from, but many in the parts of the world affected by malaria cannot afford these drugs, nor do they even have access to them.
I find it interesting that this article was brought to my attention a day after my comments on Salma Hayek increasing awareness for mothers and infants suffering around the world. Here we have another celebrity (with a whole lot more money) increasing awareness in the States of the suffering of others in the world and donating huge sums of money to help meet their needs. He's even helping develop a malaria vaccine.
But, as good as all this is, the needs of the suffering will never be fully met unless their spiritual needs are attended to as well. The Bible tells us that all have sinned (Rom 3:23), and therefore all are subject to eternal death (Rom 6:23), an eternity of torment and despair separated from the love of God. But, in His love God has provided the way to spend eternity in His presence. He sent His son, Jesus, to become sin on our behalf that those who trust in His sacrificial death may be declared righteous before God. Providing the medicine for the disease that causes physical death is only part of the goal; providing the message of the remedy to eternal death should be the aim of those desiring to truly help the world.
So, thank you, Bill, for releasing the skeeters, but let's not forget that more work is still to be done.
05 February 2009
Four Weeks and Counting!!!
Our team meets Saturday to talk details on where we're staying and when (Looks like Luke and I get a tent outside at least one night) and how we're getting where and when (lots of small planes - Luke is not a fan) and what to bring (toilet paper anyone?) and our support status (about 2/3 there!) and everything else we can possibly think of. It's also another opportunity for us to get to know the family with whom we'll be spending more than two very intensive weeks.
All that said, I figure I should share with you, our readers, a few factoids about Zambia:
- Zambia is slightly larger than Texas and borders Angola, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Namibia, Democratic Rebulic of the Congo and Tanzania
- Natural Resources: copper, cobalt, zinc, lead, coal, emeralds, gold, silver, uranium, hydropower
- Population (July 2008 estimate): 11,669,534
- Median Age: 16.9 years
- Life Expectancy: 38.59 years
- Infant Mortality Rate: 100.96 deaths/1,000 live births
- Number of People Living with HIV/AIDS (2003 data): 920,000
- Government: Republic; Capital City: Lusaka
- GDP: $17.83 billion
- Unemployment Rate: 50%
- Airports with paved runways: 9; Airports with unpaved runways: 98
There's just a taste of the facts. We can't wait to share with you all about the people, the needs, the hearts, the Hope of Christ, and how God chooses to work in and through us on our trip. Please continue to pray for us as we prepare and as we go. Satan is real and spiritual warfare is likely to occur. Please pray that our remaining support comes in to financially support this Vision trip. Also, please pray that the Lord will open our eyes and make it clear as to whether or not He would have us to serve long term in Zambia, and if so, in what capacity.
If you would like to partner with us financially as we enter the mission field, you may do so online at www.simusa.org/SIMGift.php. When you have entered your billing information, you will be able to put in our team name (Ackley Zambia PACE Team 2009) and number (31622).
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. To learn more about SIM's work in Zambia, visit: http://www.sim.org/index.php/country/ZM
Salma Hayek on Today
Anyway, they had Salma Hayek on just moments ago. Apparently she's doing something with Unicef where she is traveling around the world (it looked like "around the world" meant "Africa") talking with women and encouraging them as they raise sick babies in developing countries. Is this bad? No. Absolutely not. It's a good thing.
The frustrating part is that it takes a celebrity to open up the eyes of the people here to the great need of the people overseas. Though I cannot deny the benefit that we are seeing by these celebrities exposing the needs of the suffering people of the world, I cannot count the number of times I have had to explain to people that we are not going to Africa to start an orphanage or school in the same sense that Oprah and Anjelina have gone to Africa to start an orphanage or school. Whereas they monetarily support these facilities, they are not overly involved in the day-to-day operations, but that's not even the biggest difference.
The greatest difference is that we bring a message of hope. There is no greater hope than the message of a God who loves us and longs for people everywhere to worship Him. Though we all live in sin, Christ died on our behalf that we may be cleansed and those who trust Him can dwell before Him forever.
So, yes, we are going to Africa much like Salma, Oprah, and Anjelina, but we are bringing the message of salvation through Christ alone...a message of love, a message of deliverance...a message of hope.
02 February 2009
Trash Collection
Last week on the news they spoke of a city just north of Dallas trying to save money, cutting back on residential trash collection. Instead of coming twice per week, the garbage trucks would only come around once. The reaction? A young woman, not much older than Tiffany and me, was complaining that this cutback will result in disgusting living situations. Apparently her small family in suburban Dallas produces so much trash in one week that it needs to be picked up at least twice per week. In Peoria our trash was collected every Friday, and our family of 7 (6 of whom are male) definitely contributed our share of trash, but our living situation was not "disgusting".
Isn't it interesting that we take our blessings for granted, only realizing them when they are taken away? But even once-weekly trash collection is better than the majority of people in the world. Just ask those living in the squatter camps or shanty towns of the world. Not only do they lack any sort of trash pick up, they often are located where the trash is taken.
Indeed, we are blessed. And once-weekly trash collection is a great example of this blessing.
01 February 2009
When Luke and I went to North Carolina for SIMStart, a weekend where you get to know more about SIM and meet missionaries who have served all over the world, I realized that much of my focus for missions had been misplaced. Rather than focusing on God's Greatest Glory and the joy of building relationships with His people so they in turn build relationships with Him, I looked at it as a task to accomplish - one more thing to add to a list of accolades - one more way to prove myself to other people, particularly those doubting that we could do it. Therefore, I was also looking at the preparatory stages as simple steps to get through in order to reach the ultimate goal, or "accomplishment." Without going to much into it all, I left realizing that I want nothing more than to serve God and love His people - but wait on His perfect timing. There's no need to rush into the field and miss what He has for us here... In fact, I don't have to be afraid that He will get mad at us if it takes a little longer to get there - because He's the one who will get us there!
So as far as looking at our lives here as steps in the process rather than opportunities to serve God in our daily lives, it even extended to our church. I had looked at it as "training for the field" and ignored the potential for powerful relationships here in the present. Now I am slowly learning how to be more intentional about my relationships, rather than just focusing on the tasks at hand.
Whew, okay that was a big introduction, but what does being "intentional about relationship" look like? Well, take this afternoon for example. I headed out on my bike, and anyone who knows me well, knows that when I get going exercising, that is when I'm least likely to be relational. I typically just want to be fast. First step at being relational (which I wish every cyclist would do), was the simple acknowledgement of others on the road or trail. i.e. the simple phrase "on your left" as I passed other riders. Don't know how many times I've about had a heart attack because someone sneaks up behind me and sprints past with hardly a grunt. That one's easy though - three words - and you're gone. Doesn't interrupt the ride, and makes it a tad safer. Stopping my bike to talk to someone? That takes a little more convincing. But, I also find it to be true that there are people that we greet cordially with a "hello, how are you," and there are people we love to talk to because they "get us" or we "get them."
So, it was time for some "Free Advice" from my good buddy Roderick, because, well, he "gets me." (Read the blog from two weeks ago to learn more about Roderick). I originally thought I'd wait till my second loop around the lake, so as not to cut into my ride, but afraid he'd leave his post early to watch the Super Bowl or avoid sundown, I pulled off in my first loop as I rounded the corner and saw the sign. Not intending for much beyond a simple "hello" and "thank you" for his encouragement and generosity so I could get on with the ride, we instead instantly jumped into a conversation like friends who had known each other for years. And then I figured out why I felt I needed to stop today. As I explained that Luke was at work, Roderick looked at me and said, "He really respects and admires your abilities and discernment with people." "WHAT?" Well, remembering that Roderick is also a very "discerning person" I didn't doubt his intuition, but he went on to explain with a story of an elderly couple he knew where the man didn't express his emotions much, but his wife was very strong and he remembers telling the wife that her husband truly respected and loved her dearly - and the wife said that confirmed what she had always thought but never really believed.
Why was that so important to me? Another thing I realized/revisited at SIMStart was my inability to fully trust people - to trust that they truly love me as me and value who I am over what I do. I am scared to death that when I let people in all the way, they'll see the real me and run away kicking and screaming. Even Luke, he has 99.5% of me, but I have to keep just a little bit, because if he doesn't like me, I can say it's because he doesn't have all of me. But, if I give 100% and he doesn't truly love me, that means it's really me. But Roderick, he could see Luke's heart as Luke nodded along with Roderick's observations two weeks ago. Roderick doesn't process with words - but he sees inside people. Myself being a woman of words, I had to hear the words from Roderick of what he saw inside my husband - that Luke loves me for me - wholly and completely.
Wow. REAL-ationships. That was so worth stopping. As we parted ways and I finished my ride, I rode into our apartment complex only to find a group of kids around a bike turned upside down, and as I rode by on my "big bike" one of them asked me if I could fix his bike. I thought there was no way and just told him I wouldn't know how. But then again, what is usually wrong with a kid's broken bike? Usually just a chain off the wheel, so I circled back around, and yep - the chain had come off. So I slipped off my seat, laughed when they said my hands would get dirty, and spent a few minutes working that stubborn chain back onto the wheel, assuring them they would get to ride a "big bike" someday too, and that they should see my husband's "really big bike." REAL-ationships. A few minutes of a fairly easy task, and I became a hero (heroin?).
So maybe we should all give a few more minutes, a little more often. I know I was blessed a lot more than my friend Roderick by our chat, despite his smile and gratitude for our visit. Helping those kids definitely touched me much more deeply than it touched them. God has a purpose for you today, not just a year or two down the road -- and guess what? If you listen for it, and follow it, you'll likely be the one who is blessed.
After all, didn't God say, "It is not good for the man to be alone...? " (Gen. 2:18)